Laboratorio de Láseres Sólidos
Solid State Laser Lab is located at CEILAP ( Centro de Investigaciones en Láseres y Aplicaciones) CITEDEF ( Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa), Villa Martelli, Argentina

The activity of the Solid Lasers Laboratory (LLS) began in 1978 and focused on the study, development and application of solid lasers. Our lab is pioneer in Argentina in the technology of all-solid state lasers. Since 1992, LLS notable milestones with international impact have been the realization of the first Nd:YAG laser with mode-locking by Kerr effect, studies on the chaotic regimen of the femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser, the first experimental verification of violation of Bell's inequality in our country and the first description of Extreme Events (Rogue Waves) in the Ti:Sapphire laser. The working group has vast experience in the design and construction of diode pumped solid lasers as well as development of rangefinders. All the lasers used in the LLS experiments have been designed and built in this laboratory.